WmConsole Home Page

WmConsole is a console server for Windows Mobile devices, that listen over BlueTooth RFCOMM channels, and allows the user to interact with the device using a command line interface from a Linux or Windows workstation.    Once the WmConsole server is run, it'll listen on a configurable RFCOMM channel by waiting for client connections.    The server also creates a new SDP service called "WmConsole", and advertises it as running onto its listening channel.    From the client side, the QTTY program has to be used to connect to the WmConsole server.    The QTTY software can be built for Linux (needs the BlueZ package) and Windows (needs the Microsoft SDK - but a pre-built binary is also supplied).    Once logged-in, the user will be able to access a thoruogh set of commands to interact with the device (file upload/download, directory/tree creation/removal, process creation with STDOUT redirection, process kill, file search, registry manipulation/search, reboot, and many others - the 'help' command will list them all, together with a brief description).    Since Windows Mobile does not allow handle inheritance and standard input/output redirection, a special device driver (RConsole) is used in order to achieve binaries execution with output on the console.    The RConsole device driver manages a kernel pipe (ten actually - from 0 up to 9), and together with the SetStdioPathW() library call, allows WmConsole to execute an external binary by capturing its output on the console.    This came really handy to me, since it allowed the creation and usage of simple command line utilities that where using standard POSIX stdio output.    The WmConsole binary is installed inside the "\Program Files\WmConsole" directory, and it must be manually run using File Explorer.    WmConsole listen by default on the RFCOMM channel 11, but this can be changed either by specifying the "-P CHNUM" command line parameter, or by creating a registry string value named "Channel" inside the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WmConsole" key and by setting its value to the desired one.    The default username and password for the WmConsole server are user="wmconsole" and password="server".    The "\Program Files\WmConsole\passwd" file stores the usernames and passwords, that you're suggested to change if you plan to keep the WmConsole server permanently running on your device.    Look at the QTTY page for instructions on how to use it to login into a WmConsole (or QConsole) server.

Commands List

pwd                       = Prints the current directory
cd DIR                    = Change current directory to DIR (.. is allowed)
ls [DIR/FILE]             = Lists the current directory or the specified path
ps                        = Lists currently running processes
lsmod [MATCH]             = Lists modules loaded by processes whose name match MATCH
wld MATCH                 = Lists all processes that load modules matching MATCH
kill PID                  = Terminates the process identified by PID
run EXE ...               = Starts the exe with the specified parameters
exec EXE ...              = Starts the exe with the specified parameters and links to
                            the process standard output/input. This differs from the 'run'
                            command because it waits for the program termination
df [DIR]                  = Prints the disk space statistics for DIR (or object store
                            in case DIR is not specified
mem                       = Displays memory usage statistics
lssvc                     = Lists device services
svc -{S,T} SVC            = Controls services functionality. Supported actions are:
                              S : Start service SVC
                              T : Stop service SVC
lsdev                     = Lists system devices
mkdir [-p] DIR            = Create directory DIR. Allowed flags for the command are:
                              p : Create all the intermediate directories, if missing
rmdir DIR                 = Remove directory DIR (must be empty)
rm FILE                   = Remove file FILE
mv OLD NEW                = Renames files or directories from OLD to NEW
cp SRC DST                = Copy SRC file onto DST file. If SRC is a directory, the whole
                            SRC tree will be copied
rmtree DIR                = Remove directory DIR and all its subtree (dangerous)
chmod MODE FILE           = Change the access mode of FILE applying MODE changes
                            ([+-][hws]+ | h=hidden w=write s=system)
exit                      = Exit session
shutdown                  = Exit session and shutdown the WmConsole server
reboot                    = Exit session and reboot the device
cat FILE                  = Dump the content of remote file FILE on screen
find [-1s] PATH MATCH     = Recursively searches PATH for MATCH file or directory name
                            (wildcards allowed in MATCH). Allowed flags for the command are:
                              1 : Do not recurse inside subdirectories
                              s : Print only the file path
put [-Rf] REM LOC         = Copies the local file(s) LOC to the remote file/path (on device) REM.
                            Wildcards allowed in LOC. Allowed flags for the command are:
                              R : Recurse to subdirectories
                              f : Forces the missing subdirectories creation on the device
get [-R] REM LOC          = Copies the remote file(s) (on device) REM to local file/path LOC.
                            Wildcards allowed in REM. Allowed flags for the command are:
                              R : Recurse to subdirectories
rpwd                      = Prints the current registry key
rcd KEY                   = Change current registry key to KEY (.. is allowed)
rls [KEY/RVAL]            = Lists the current registry key or the specified KEY
rcat RVAL                 = Dump the content of registry path RVAL on screen
rfind KEY MATCH           = Recursively searches KEY path for MATCH value or key name
rrm RVAL                  = Remove the registry value RVAL
rrmtree KEY               = Remove the registry key KEY and all its subtree (dangerous)
rmkkey KEY                = Creates the registry key KEY
rset RVAL TYPE VALUE      = Sets the registry value RVAL to VALUE, with data type TYPE.
                            Allowed data types for the command are:
                              SZ : String value
                              DW : DWord value
                              BI : Binary value (VALUE is a sequence of 2 hexdigit numbers,
                                   comma separated, like: 03,c2,fa,...)
rdig [-i] KEY TYPE DATA   = Recursively searches the KEY registry path for DATA bytes. Allowed
                            data types for the command are:
                              SZ : String value
                              DW : DWord value
                              BI : Binary value (VALUE is a sequence of 2 hexdigit numbers,
                                   comma separated, like: 03,c2,fa,...)
                            The DATA parameter format depends on the TYPE. Allowed
                            flags for the command are:
                              i : Ignore case during string match
rexp [-R] KEY/RVAL FILE   = Exports the registry value RVAL or key KEY, to the file path FILE.
                            Allowed flags for the command are:
                              R : In case a registry key KEY is specified, exports the whole subtree
rimp FILE                 = Imports the registry file FILE into the device registry. New keys
                            will be created if missing, and existing values will be overwritten
help                      = Prints this help screen

License and Software

WmConsole  (and the RConsole device driver) is made available through the GNU GPL license together with the complete sources.    The latest WmConsole packages are available here :

Source 0.18

Windows Mobile 5 CAB 0.18

Windows Mobile 4.x CAB 0.18

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