
Section: Generic Userspace Async Syscall Implementation (3)
Updated: 0.25
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guasi_create, guasi_free, guasi_submit, guasi_fetch, guasi_req_cancel, guasi_req_info, guasi_req_free

guasi__open, guasi__read, guasi__write, guasi__pread, guasi__pwrite, guasi__sendfile, guasi__opendir, guasi__readdir, guasi__stat, guasi__fstat, guasi__recv, guasi__recvfrom, guasi__send, guasi__sendto, guasi__accept, guasi__connect, guasi__fsync




Core API

#include <guasi.h>

guasi_t guasi_create(int min_threads, int max_threads, int max_priority);
void guasi_free(guasi_t hctx);
guasi_req_t guasi_submit(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                         guasi_syscall_t proc, guasi_cleanup_t free, int nparams, ...);
int guasi_fetch(guasi_t hctx, guasi_req_t *reqs, int minreqs,
                int maxreqs, long timeo);
int guasi_req_cancel(guasi_req_t hreq);
int guasi_req_info(guasi_req_t hreq, struct guasi_reqinfo *rinf);
void guasi_req_free(guasi_req_t hreq);


POSIX wrappers:

#include <guasi_syscalls.h>

guasi_req_t guasi__open(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                        char const *name, long flags, long mode);
guasi_req_t guasi__read(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                        int fd, void *buf, size_t size);
guasi_req_t guasi__write(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                         int fd, void const *buf, size_t size);
guasi_req_t guasi__pread(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                          int fd, void *buf, size_t size, goff_t off);
guasi_req_t guasi__pwrite(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                          int fd, void const *buf, size_t size, goff_t off);
guasi_req_t guasi__sendfile(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                            int ofd, int ifd, goff_t *off, size_t cnt);
guasi_req_t guasi__opendir(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                           char const *name);
guasi_req_t guasi__readdir(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                           DIR *dir);
guasi_req_t guasi__stat(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                        char const *name, struct stat *sbuf);
guasi_req_t guasi__fstat(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                         int fd, struct stat *sbuf);
guasi_req_t guasi__recv(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                        int fd, void *buf, size_t size, int flags,
                        long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__recvfrom(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                            int fd, void *buf, size_t size, int flags,
                            struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen, long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__send(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                        int fd, void const *buf, size_t size, int flags,
                        long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__sendto(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                          int fd, void const *buf, size_t size, int flags,
                          struct sockaddr const *to, socklen_t tolen, long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__accept(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                          int fd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen,
                          long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__connect(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                           int fd, struct sockaddr const *addr, socklen_t addrlen,
                           long timeo);
guasi_req_t guasi__fsync(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
                         int fd);



The guasi library implements a thread based generic asyncronous execution engine, to be used to give otherwise syncronous calls an asyncronous behaviour. It can be used to wrap any syncronous call, so that it can be scheduled for execution, and whose result can be fetched at later time (hence not blocking the submitter thread). The guasi library can be used as complement to standard event retrieval interfaces like poll(2), select(2) or epoll(4). The guasi library is generic, by meaning that any (not only system calls) otherwise syncronous function can be made asyncronous. Functions submitted with guasi_submit(3) will/might execute in parallel, so proper care must be taken to handle this behaviour. Care must be taken to select the proper stack size, according to what the asyncronous functions will require. The default PTHREAD_STACK_MIN value is more than enough when executing simple system call wrappers, but it may not be enough if the function submitted with guasi_submit(3) uses a lot of local (stack) allocations.


Structures and Types

The following structures are defined:

The guasi_param_t type is the basic type used to return asyncronous operation results, and to pass parameters to asyncronous callbacks. Its size guarantee that a pointer can be safely passed through it.


The guasi_syscall_t type is a function pointer type, that is used to pass asyncronous functions to guasi_submit. An asyncronous function looks like:

        guasi_param_t async_proc(void *priv, guasi_param_t const *params) {
                guasi_param_t result;
                return result;


The guasi_cleanup_t type is a function pointer type, that is used to pass to guasi_submit to give the caller to perform a cleanup of the parameters passed to guasi_submit itself. A cleanup function looks like:

        void cleanup_proc(void *priv, guasi_param_t const *params) {

struct guasi_reqinfo

        struct guasi_reqinfo {
                void *priv;
                void *asid;
                guasi_param_t result;
                long error;
                int status;

The struct guasi_reqinfo describes the status of a request submitted to a guasi handle. The guasi_req_info function can be used to retrieve such information from a request handle (guasi_req_t). The priv member is the same priv parameter that is passed to the guasi_submit function when the request was submitted. The asid is the request identifier, passed to guasi_submit. The result member is the result of the asyncronous operation, that is in turn, the value returned by the proc parameter of the guasi_submit function. The error member if the value or the C library errno after the proc asyncronous function execution. The status is the current status of the request. Possible values for the status member are:

The request has still to be dequeued.

The request is executing.

The request has completed.

The request has been canceled.

The result and error members are undefined until the request status reaches the GUASI_STATUS_COMPLETE value.


Functions (Core API)

The following functions are defined:
guasi_t guasi_create(int min_threads, int max_threads, int max_priority);

The guasi_create function creates a guasi handle to be used as a gateway for all the following guasi operations. The min_threads parameter specifies the minimum number of threads to be used in the guasi thread pool, and the max_threads parameter specifies the maximum number of threads (zero means unlimited). Since guasi requests can have different priorities, the max_priority parameter specifies the number of priorities that the new guasi handle must support. The function returns the new guasi handle if succeeded, or NULL if failed.

void guasi_free(guasi_t hctx);

The guasi_free function frees all the resources associated with the guasi handle passed in hctx.

guasi_req_t guasi_submit(guasi_t hctx, void *priv, void *asid, int prio,
guasi_syscall_t proc, guasi_cleanup_t free, int nparams, ...);

The guasi_submit function submits a new request to the guasi handle passed in hctx. The priv parameter is an opaque value that is passed as is to the proc asyncronous function. The free function, if not NULL, will be called to give the caler the chance to cleanup the parameters. The asid is a cookie that identifies the request, and is returned by the guasi_req_info function, inside the struct guasi_reqinfo strcture. The priority of the request is passed in the prio parameter, that should range from 0 to (max_priority - 1). The nparams parameter specifies the number of arguments that follows and that will be passed to the proc asyncronous function. The function returns a request handle if succeeded, or NULL if failed.

int guasi_fetch(guasi_t hctx, guasi_req_t *reqs, int minreqs,
int maxreqs, long timeo);

The guasi_fetch function retrieves completed requests from the guasi handle passed in hctx. Not less than minreqs, and up to maxreqs requests are retrieved, and stored inside the reqs pointer. The timeo represent a maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for some request to complete. If timeo is negative, the wait for completed requests will not have a time limit. The function returns the number of completed requests, or a negative number in case of error.

int guasi_req_cancel(guasi_req_t hreq);

The guasi_req_cancel function cancels a pending request specified in the hreq parameter. The function returns the current status of the request, or a negative number in case of error. A canceled request will be available at the next guasi_fetch() call, with guasi_req_info() returning the proper status. If the reported status is GUASI_STATUS_CANCELED, it means that the request has been canceled before having the chance to be executed. If the reported status is GUASI_STATUS_COMPLETE, the caller should check the error member of the struct guasi_reqinfo structure to see if the request has fully completed before we canceled, or if if has been interrupted while executing (in which case error should hold the EINTR value - at least for system call wrappers).

int guasi_req_info(guasi_req_t hreq, struct guasi_reqinfo *rinf);

The guasi_req_info functions retrieves information about the request passed in the hreq parameter. The request information will be stored inside the rinf struct guasi_reqinfo pointer. The function returns 0 is case of success, or a negative number in case of error.

void guasi_req_free(guasi_req_t hreq);

The guasi_req_free function frees all the resources associated with the request handle passed in hreq. A request can be freed only after it has been returned by the guasi_fetch() function.


Functions (POSIX wrappers)

All the POSIX wrappers functions implemented by guasi, map to the corresponding POSIX function in terms of parameters and result type. Some networking functions can have an extra timeo parameter, that can be used to specify a timeout (in milliseconds) for the operation.



One software that allows you to compare guasi performance with other kinds of asyncronous I/O providers, is FIO:

Performance results of guasi against libaio using FIO are reported in this page:



The following notes applies to the guasi library usage:
Linux and NPTL

When using guasi on a Linux system using NPTL (thread library), the maximum number of threads is limited to about 350 on a 32 bit system with a 3G/1G split. This because NPTL reserves a 8MB VM area (default stack reservation) for each thread stack. Using ulimit(sh) it is possible to reduce the stack area to a lower value, hence allowing an higher number of threads to be created. The command is:

        $ ulimit -s NN

Where NN is the number of KB to be reserved for the stack. Something around 64 should be enough for most applications.



This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the license is available at:



Developed by Davide Libenzi <>



The latest version of the guasi library can be found at:



There are no known bugs. Bug reports and comments to Davide Libenzi <>



Core API
POSIX wrappers:
Structures and Types
Functions (Core API)
Functions (POSIX wrappers)

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Time: 20:17:11 GMT, April 10, 2007