XFA(3) Finite Automata Library XFA(3) NAME xfa_alloc_trans, xfa_free_trans, xfa_alloc_state, xfa_free_state, xfa_free_attr, xfa_do_once, xfa_nfa2dfa, xfa_label_states, xfa_dfa_min- imize, xfa_re2nfa SYNOPSIS #include xfa_trans_t *xfa_alloc_trans(xfa_system_t *sys, unsigned long const *map, unsigned long flags, xfa_state_t *from, xfa_state_t *to ); void xfa_free_trans(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_trans_t *trn); xfa_state_t *xfa_alloc_state(xfa_system_t *sys, int phsize); void xfa_free_state(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, int recurse); void xfa_free_attr(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_attr_t *attr); int xfa_do_once(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, int (*dproc) (void *, xfa_system_t *, xfa_state_t *), void *priv); xfa_state_t *xfa_nfa2dfa(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt); int xfa_label_states(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, unsigned long *label); int xfa_dfa_minimize(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt); int xfa_re2nfa(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t **csts, xfa_state_t **cste, unsigned char const **ptr); DESCRIPTION The XFA library is a Finite Automata (FA) library to handle tasks like building (programmatically or from regular expressions), converting NFA (Non-deterministic FA) to DFA (Deterministic FA) and reducing FA graphs. The library relies only on the availability of an ANSI C com- piler, and in this way can be used in almost every system (from embed- ded devices to servers). The XFA library uses the concepts of state and transaction to define an arbitrarly complex FA graph, where states are connected by transactions. The library supply both low level graph building capabilities and regular expression driven graph construction. The complexity of the graphs that are treatable by the XFA library is only limited by the amount of available memory. Structures The following structures are defined: xfa_system_t typedef struct s_xfa_system { void *priv; void *(*alloc) (void *, int); void (*free) (void *, void *); void (*error) (void *, int); } xfa_system_t; The xfa_system_t structure define the system interface for the XFA library. It is caller responsibility to fill up the members of the structure with the proper functions pointers that matches the host where the XFA library is running. The priv member of the xfa_system_t structure is an opaque pointer that is passed to all the system functions as first parameter. This can be used by the system function as "context" for the proper handling and re-entrancy of the system code. The alloc(priv,size) function is used to allocate memory. The function accepts an integer parame- ter that represent the size of the memory block that has to be allocated. The alloc(priv,size) function returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory block, or NULL in case of error. The free(priv,data) function is called to free memory blocks allo- cated using the alloc(priv,size) function. It is possible to pass NULL to free(priv,data), and in that case no real free should be performed. The function error(priv,errno) is used by the XFA library to set an error code for a failing XFA opera- tion. xfa_state_t typedef struct s_xfa_state { struct ll_list_head tlist; struct ll_list_head flist; xfa_ptrhash_t sh; unsigned long flags; unsigned long label; struct ll_list_head alist; } xfa_state_t; The xfa_state_t structure describe a state inside the FA. The tlist list is a struct ll_list_head structure that is used to links all the transactions that leave the current state. The flist list is a list is a struct ll_list_head structure that is used to links all the transactions that arrive to the current state. The sh field is a xfa_ptrhash_t structure that is used during the NFA to DFA conversion, to accumulate all the states reachable by EPS transactions. The flags field is a bitfield that lists all the flags associated with the state. The follow- ing flags are defined for the flags field: XFASF_START This is the start of the FA graph XFASF_TARGET This is the target of the FA graph The alist field is a struct ll_list_head that links all the attributes of the state. Attributes are defined using the xfa_attr_t structure. xfa_trans_t typedef struct s_xfa_trans { struct ll_list_head tlink; struct ll_list_head flink; unsigned long *map; unsigned long flags; struct s_xfa_state *to; struct s_xfa_state *from; } xfa_trans_t; The xfa_trans_t structure defines a transaction inside the FA graph. One transaction connects two FA states, if one of the events described inside the xfa_trans_t (or the "empty" EPS event) becomes true. The tlink field is used to link the xfa_trans_t structure to the destination state, whereas the flink field is used to link the xfa_trans_t to the origin state. The map field is a 256 bits wide bitmap that lists all the events that would trigger the transaction. For example, if the byte 0x10 is received while in the origin state, the bit 0x10 of the map bitmap is checked and if found set, the transaction is executed. For EPS transactions (inside NFA graphs), the map field can be NULL. The flags field stores a bitmask of all the active flags for the transaction. The following flags are defined for the flags field: XFATF_EPSTRANS This tells that the transaction is an "epmty" EPS transaction The to field is a pointer (of xfa_state_t type) to the destina- tion state of the transaction, whereas the from field is a pointer (of xfa_state_t type) to the origin state of the trans- action. xfa_attr_t typedef struct s_xfa_attr { struct ll_list_head link; int type; void (*free) (xfa_system_t *, void *); void *adata; } xfa_attr_t; The xfa_attr_t structure desribe a generic attribute data that can be associated with a given state. The link field is used to link the attribute xfa_attr_t structure to the alist field of the xfa_state_t structure. The type field is a number that iden- tifies that attribute type. In normal situations, different num- bers will correspond to different types, whose data will be stored inside the adata field of the xfa_attr_t structure. The free(xsys,data) field is a pointer to an optional function that can be used to perform complex cleanup of the adata allocations. Functions The following functions are defined: xfa_trans_t *xfa_alloc_trans(xfa_system_t *sys, unsigned long const *map, unsigned long flags, xfa_state_t *from, xfa_state_t *to ); Allocates a transaction structure. The sys parameter is the sys- tem interface to be used by the xfa_alloc_trans implementation. The map parameter is a pointer to XFA_TRANSMAP_ULONGS unsigned longs whose bits define the events that will trigger the trans- action. If bit N (from 0 to 255) is set inside the map bitmap, the byte with numeric value N will trigger the transaction. The flags parameter specify the flags for the transaction. The fol- lowing flags are defined for the flags parameter: XFATF_EPSTRANS This tells that the transaction is an "epmty" EPS transaction. In this case the map parameter will be ignored. The from parameter specify the starting state of the transac- tion, whereas the to parameter specify the destination state of the transaction. The xfa_alloc_trans function returns a pointer to the newly allocated transaction, or NULL if an error occurred. void xfa_free_trans(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_trans_t *trn); Frees the transaction pointed by the trn parameter, using the sys system interface. xfa_state_t *xfa_alloc_state(xfa_system_t *sys, int phsize); Allocates a new state using the system interface passed in the sys parameter. The phsize parameter defines the initial size of the sh hash used during the NFA to DFA conversion to accumulate all the states reachable by EPS transactions. The constant XFA_DEF_PHASH_SIZE can be used as default, since the hash is automatically resized in any case. The xfa_alloc_state returns a pointer to the newly allocated state, or NULL in case of error. void xfa_free_state(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, int recurse); Frees the state pointed by the stt parameter, using the system interface passed in the sys parameter. The xfa_free_state func- tion also frees all the orphaned transactions that leaves/arrives the currently freed state. If the recurse parame- ter is specified, the xfa_free_state function will recurse and free all the nodes that are reachable from stt (recursively). void xfa_free_attr(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_attr_t *attr); Frees the attribute pointed by attr using the system interface passed in the sys parameter. int xfa_do_once(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, int (*dproc) (void *, xfa_system_t *, xfa_state_t *), void *priv); Recurse through all the states reachable from the state stt and call the function dproc once per state in the reachable graph. The sys parameter is a pointer to the system interface, whereas the priv parameter is an opaque pointer that is passed to dproc during the state enumeration (first parameter). The second parameter passed to dproc is the system interface pointer, and the third one is a pointer to the currently reached state. The xfa_do_once function returns 0 if succeeded, or -1 if an error occurred. xfa_state_t *xfa_nfa2dfa(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt); Create a DFA graph from the NFA graph whose starting state is passed in the stt parameter. The sys parameter is a pointer to the system interface. The xfa_nfa2dfa functionre turns a pointer to the starting state of the resulting DFA graph, or NULL in case of error. int xfa_label_states(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt, unsigned long *label); The xfa_label_states function assign a unique label to each state of the graph whose starting state is passed in the stt parameter. The label parameter is a pointer to an unsigned long that will be updated for every assigned label. The starting value of *label will be the first assigned. The sys parameter is the system interface pointer. The function return 0 if succeded, or -1 in case of error. int xfa_dfa_minimize(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t *stt); The xfa_dfa_minimize function minimizes the DFA graph whose starting state is passed in the stt parameter. The sys parameter is the system interface pointer. The function returns 0 in case of success, or -1 if an error occurred. int xfa_re2nfa(xfa_system_t *sys, xfa_state_t **csts, xfa_state_t **cste, unsigned char const **ptr); Creates an NFA graph from a regular expression. the system interface is passed in the sys parameter. The resulting graph starting state is returned in csts while the resulting graph ending state is returned in cste. The regular expression is passed in the ptr parameter (the string pointed by *ptr) that, at the end, will be set to point to the next character after the end of the regular expression. A full regular expression syntax is supported by the xfa_re2nfa implementation. The function returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of error. LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the license is available at : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html AUTHOR Developed by Davide Libenzi AVAILABILITY The latest version of XFA can be found at : http://www.xmailserver.org/xfa-lib.html BUGS There are no known bugs. Bug reports and comments to Davide Libenzi GNU 0.18 XFA(3)