SMDB(3) SMDB - Simple/Small DB Library SMDB(3) NAME smdb_dbf_create, smdb_dbf_open, smdb_dbf_free, smdb_dbf_create_table, smdb_dbf_free_table, smdb_dbf_sync, smdb_dbf_begin, smdb_dbf_end, smdb_dbf_rollback, smdb_dbf_get, smdb_dbf_get_next, smdb_dbf_first, smdb_dbf_next, smdb_dbf_free_record, smdb_dbf_put, smdb_dbf_erase SYNOPSIS #include int smdb_dbf_create(struct smdbxi_factory *fac, struct smdbxi_file *bfile,struct smdb_db_config const *dbcfg, struct smdb_dbfile_ctx **pdfctx); int smdb_dbf_open(struct smdbxi_factory *fac, struct smdbxi_file *bfile, struct smdb_db_config const *dbcfg, struct smdb_dbfile_ctx **pdfctx); void smdb_dbf_free(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); int smdb_dbf_create_table(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, unsigned int tblsize); int smdb_dbf_free_table(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid); int smdb_dbf_sync(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); int smdb_dbf_begin(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); int smdb_dbf_end(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); int smdb_dbf_rollback(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); int smdb_dbf_get(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_record *rec,struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); int smdb_dbf_get_next(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); int smdb_dbf_first(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); int smdb_dbf_next(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); void smdb_dbf_free_record(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_record *rec); int smdb_dbf_put(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_cdata *data); int smdb_dbf_erase(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_cdata const *data); DESCRIPTION The SMDB library exports a database API somehow similar to the one sup- plied by the GNU GDBM library, with a few differences. The SMDB data- base library is totally system independent, via the use of externally supplied interface pointers. The SMDB databse library does not try to implement any file locking, which is left to the caller, if the partic- ular use requires it. This allows single instance users to not pay the the price (in terms of performance and portability) of the locking framework. The SMDB database library supports transactions, multiple tables inside the same DB file, and is less than half the size of GDBM. Finally, the SMDB database library is available under the loser LGPL license, instead of the GPL one. Conceptually though, both allows for simple storage and retrieval of KEY+DATA couples, inside a table. Structures And Macros The SMDB library uses externally supplied interfaces for every task that is related with the host system interaction. This allows for a totally portable implementation, that was one of the major objectives of its development. An interface is composed by an opaque data pointer priv and a set of methods (functions pointers) exported by the inter- face. All the interfaces exports the two basic methods get and release. The get method acquires an interface and makes sure it remains valid during the whole time it is used. Once an instance of an interface is no more used, the release method should be called. Two macros are available for this purpose: SMDBXI_GET(iface) Get an instance of the interface pointed by iface. SMDBXI_RELEASE(iface) Release an instance of the interface pointed by iface. An exam- ple implementation of the interfaces required by SMDB is sup- plied next in this document, and is also available inside the SMDB distribution package. All the memory management used by the SMDB library is defined by the struct smdbxi_mem interface: struct smdbxi_mem struct smdbxi_mem { void *priv; int (*get) (void *priv); int (*release) (void *priv); void *(*alloc) (void *priv, int size); void (*free) (void *priv, void *ptr); }; The alloc method allows the caller to allocate a block of mem- ory, whereas the method free allows the caller to free a block of memory returned by alloc. The following macros are available to access the struct smdbxi_mem methods: SMDBXI_MM_ALLOC(iface, size) Allocates a memory block of size bytes using the iface memory interface. The macro returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory block, or NULL in case of failure. SMDBXI_MM_FREE(iface, ptr) Frees a memory block pointed by ptr using the iface memory interface. It is allowed to call the SMDBXI_MM_FREE macro by passing NULL as ptr parameter. The abstraction of a file is based on the struct smdbxi_file interface: struct smdbxi_file struct smdbxi_file { void *priv; int (*get)(void *); int (*release)(void *); smdb_offset_t (*seek)(void *, smdb_offset_t, int); int (*read)(void *, void *, int); int (*write)(void *, void const *, int); int (*truncate)(void *, smdb_offset_t); int (*sync)(void *); char const *(*path)(void *); }; Besides from the common get and release methods, the struct smd- bxi_file interface defines functions to access the file API. Macros are availble to access the struct smdbxi_file interface: SMDBXI_FL_SEEK(iface, offset, whence) Set the file position at offset bytes from the whence location. Valid constants for the whence location are: SMDBXI_FL_SEEKSET The offset is relative to the beginning of the file. SMDBXI_FL_SEEKCUR The offset is relative to the current file position. SMDBXI_FL_SEEKEND The offset is relative to the end of the file. The SMDBXI_FL_SEEK returns the current file position from the beginning of the file, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FL_READ(iface, buffer, size) Read size bytes into the buffer pointer by buffer using the iface file interface. The function returns the number of bytes read, that can be lower than the requested one in case of EOF, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FL_WRITE(iface, buffer, size) Write size bytes from the buffer pointer by buffer using the iface file interface. The function returns the number of bytes written, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FL_TRUNCATE(iface, length) Truncate the file identified by the iface interface to length bytes. The new length can be lower of higher than the current file size. The function returns 0 if succeeded, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FL_SYNC(iface) Sync the buffers content of the file identified by the iface interface to the underlying storage media. The function returns 0 if succeeded, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FL_PATH(iface) Returns the path of the file identified by the iface interface. The struct smdbxi_fs interface provide access to some basic file system operations. struct smdbxi_fs struct smdbxi_fs { void *priv; int (*get)(void *); int (*release)(void *); struct smdbxi_file *(*open)(void *, char const *, int); int (*remove)(void *, char const *); int (*rename)(void *, char const *, char const *); int (*mkdir)(void *, char const *); int (*rmdir)(void *, char const *); }; The following macros are availble to access the struct smd- bxi_file interface (on top of the usual get/release): SMDBXI_FS_OPEN(iface, path, mode) Opens the file specified in path using the mode parameter to request diffrent type of access. Valid values for the mode parameter are: SMDBXI_FL_ROPEN Opens an existing file in read-only mode. SMDBXI_FL_RWOPEN Opens an existing file in read-write mode. SMDBXI_FL_CREATE Tries to open an existing file in read-write mode, and creates it if the file specified by path does not exist. SMDBXI_FL_CREATENEW Tries to open an existing file in read-write mode and truncates it if exists. If the file specified by path does not exist, the underlying callback function creates it. The SMDBXI_FL_OPEN returns the new file interface that can be used to manipulate the newly open file, or NULL in case of error. SMDBXI_FS_REMOVE(iface, path) Removes the file specified by the path parameter. Returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FS_RENAME(iface, opath, npath) Renames the file/directory specified by the opath parameter, into the path specified in the npath parameter. Returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FS_MKDIR(iface, path) Creates the directory specified by the path parameter. Returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of error. SMDBXI_FS_RMDIR(iface, path) Removes the directory specified by the path parameter. Returns 0 in case of success, or -1 in case of error. The struct smdbxi_factory interface is the factory of all the other interfaces: struct smdbxi_factory struct smdbxi_factory { void *priv; int (*get)(void *); int (*release)(void *); struct smdbxi_mem *(*mem)(void *); struct smdbxi_file *(*file)(void *); struct smdbxi_fs *(*fs)(void *); }; Besides from the usual get and release methods, other function are available to instantiate other interfaces. The mem method allows the creation of a memory interface, whereas the file method creates a file interface. Macros are defined to access the struct smdbxi_factory functions: SMDBXI_FC_MEM(iface) Returns a pointer to a memory interface ( struct smdbxi_mem ), or NULL in case of error. SMDBXI_FC_FILE(iface) Returns a pointer to a file interface ( struct smdbxi_file ), or NULL in case of error. The file will be a temporary empty file, which will be removed once closed. SMDBXI_FC_FS(iface) Returns a pointer to a file system interface ( struct smdbxi_fs ), or NULL in case of error. Functions int smdb_dbf_create(struct smdbxi_factory *fac, struct smdbxi_file *bfile,struct smdb_db_config const *dbcfg, struct smdb_dbfile_ctx **pdfctx); Creates a new database file, using the file interface supplied in bfile as storage. The fac parameter represent the interface factory, while the parameter dbcfg is used to configure the database creation. The dbcfg is a pointer to the following structure: struct smdb_db_config { smdb_u32 blk_size; smdb_u32 blk_count; smdb_u32 cache_size; smdb_u32 num_tables; }; The blk_size member is the requested block size, which cannot be smaller than 256 bytes. The blk_count is the initial allocation for the database. The database file will automatically grow, but if you know beforehand what you estimated final size will be, guessing the blk_count parameter can reduce the number of database file grow operations. The cache_size is the amount of RAM (in bytes) to be used for caching the database file blocks. It will be rounded to the next block size. The num_tables parameter sets the allocation for the maximum number of tables which will be possible to create inside the database. If the dbcfg parameter is NULL, default values will be chosen. The pdfctx parameter is a pointer to the database accessory struc- ture returned in case of success. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_open(struct smdbxi_factory *fac, struct smdbxi_file *bfile, struct smdb_db_config const *dbcfg, struct smdb_dbfile_ctx **pdfctx); Opens an existing database file, using the file interface sup- plied in bfile as storage. The fac parameter represent the interface factory, while the parameter dbcfg is used to config- ure the database internals. The only parameter used during the open operation, is the cache_size one. The pdfctx parameter is a pointer to the database accessory structure returned in case of success. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. void smdb_dbf_free(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); Frees the database object pointed by the dfctx parameter, and releases all the associated resources. int smdb_dbf_create_table(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, unsigned int tblsize); Creates a table with ID tblid inside the database pointed by dfctx, with an initial hash allocation close to the value speci- fied in the tblsize parameter. The tblid value must be lower than the number of tables allocated inside the database file during its creation. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_free_table(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid); Frees the table specified by the tblid parameter, inside the database pointed by dfctx. All the allocation related to the specified table will be released. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_sync(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); Syncs the database buffer cache onto the storage media. The dfctx represent the database to be sync. If transactions are used, the smdb_dbf_sync() function simply causes the dirty buf- fer cache blocks to be written onto the log. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_begin(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); Starts a transation for the database pointed by the dfctx param- eter. Transactions must not be nested, and must be always ter- minated by either a call to smdb_dbf_end() or smdb_dbf_roll- back(). The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_end(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); Ends a transaction previously opened by a call to the smdb_dbf_begin() function. After a successful return from smdb_dbf_end(), the database operations performed inside the transaction are permanently visible inside the database pointed by dfctx. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_rollback(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx); Rollbacks the operations done after a previous call to smdb_dbf_begin() for the database pointed by dfctx. The func- tion returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_get(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_record *rec,struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); Looks up, inside the database pointed by dfctx and table tblid, the key specified by key. The smdb_dbf_get() function returns (if any found) the first record matching the passed key parame- ter. The caller can continue the enumeration of the records matching the given key using the smdb_dbf_get_next() function. The record is stored into the structure pointed by the rec parameter, while the enumeration context is stored inside the ken parameter (which should be considered a opaque structure by the caller). The caller must use the smdb_dbf_free_record() function to free the resources allocated in the rec structure, if a positive lookup happen. The function returns a number greater than 0 in case of positive lookup, 0 in case of missing lookup, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_get_next(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); Continue the enumeration initiated with the function smdb_dbf_get(), matching, inside the dfctx database, the next record with key value. The caller must use the smdb_dbf_free_record() function to free the resources allocated in the rec structure, if a positive lookup happen. The function returns a number greater than 0 in case of positive lookup, 0 in case of missing lookup, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_first(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); Starts an enumeration of all records inside the dfctx, table tblid. The record data is stored in the supplied rec parameter, while the ken parameter is used to store the SMDB private enu- meration context. The function returns a number greater than 0 in case of positive lookup, 0 in case of missing lookup, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_next(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_record *rec, struct smdb_db_kenum *ken); Continues the enumeration of all records inside the dfctx, table tblid, initiated with a call to smdb_dbf_first(). The record data is stored in the supplied rec parameter, while the ken parameter is used to store the SMDB private enumeration context. The function returns a number greater than 0 in case of positive lookup, 0 in case of missing lookup, and -1 in case of error. void smdb_dbf_free_record(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, struct smdb_db_record *rec); Frees the resources allocated for the rec record, inside the dfctx database. Failure to call smdb_dbf_free_record() after a successful lookup from smdb_dbf_get(),smdb_dbf_get_next(),smdb_dbf_first(), or smdb_dbf_free_record(), will cause resource leakage inside the system. int smdb_dbf_put(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_cdata *data); Stores the record specified by the key and data pair, inside the database dfctx, table tblid. The function returns 0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error. int smdb_dbf_erase(struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx, unsigned int tblid, struct smdb_db_ckey const *key, struct smdb_db_cdata const *data); Removes a record from inside the dfctx, table tblid. The key parameter specifies the key used to lookup and delete the record. If data is NULL, the first matching key is removed from the database. Otherwise, data is used for extra record matching before deletion. The function returns a number greater than 0 in case of positive elimination, 0 in case of missing lookup, and -1 in case of error. Example Interface Implementation Here is reported an example implementation for the external interfaces required by the SMDB functionality: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "smdb-incl.h" #include "smdb-xif-posix.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #define O_RDONLY _O_RDONLY #define O_CREAT _O_CREAT #define O_RDWR _O_RDWR #define O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC #define open(f, m, p) _open(f, (m) | _O_BINARY) #define read(f, d, n) _read(f, d, n) #define write(f, d, n) _write(f, d, n) #define lseek(f, o, w) _lseek(f, o, w) #define fsync(f) _commit(f) #define mkdir(n, p) _mkdir(n) #define rmdir(n) _rmdir(n) #endif struct smdbxi_mem_px { struct smdbxi_mem ifc; long usecnt; }; struct smdbxi_file_px { struct smdbxi_file ifc; long usecnt; int fd; int closefd; char *filename; int unlinkfile; }; struct smdbxi_fs_px { struct smdbxi_fs ifc; long usecnt; }; struct smdbxi_factory_px { struct smdbxi_factory ifc; long usecnt; long seqf; }; #if defined(WIN32) static int ftruncate(int fd, smdb_offset_t size) { HANDLE hfile; LARGE_INTEGER cpos, lsize; hfile = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(fd); lsize.QuadPart = 0; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hfile, lsize, &cpos, FILE_CURRENT)) return -1; lsize.QuadPart = size; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hfile, lsize, &cpos, FILE_BEGIN)) return -1; if (!SetEndOfFile(hfile)) { lsize = cpos; SetFilePointerEx(hfile, lsize, &cpos, FILE_BEGIN); return -1; } if (cpos.QuadPart > size) cpos.QuadPart = size; SetFilePointerEx(hfile, cpos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); return 0; } #endif static int smdb_xif_mem__get(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_mem_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_mem_px *) priv; pif->usecnt++; return 0; } static int smdb_xif_mem__release(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_mem_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_mem_px *) priv; if (!--pif->usecnt) { free(pif); } return 0; } static void *smdb_xif_mem__alloc(void *priv, int size) { return malloc(size); } static void smdb_xif_mem__free(void *priv, void *data) { free(data); } static struct smdbxi_mem *smdb_xif_mem(void) { struct smdbxi_mem_px *pif; if ((pif = (struct smdbxi_mem_px *) malloc(sizeof(struct smdbxi_mem_px))) == NULL) return NULL; pif->ifc.priv = pif; pif->ifc.get = smdb_xif_mem__get; pif->ifc.release = smdb_xif_mem__release; pif->ifc.alloc = smdb_xif_mem__alloc; pif-> = smdb_xif_mem__free; pif->usecnt = 1; return &pif->ifc; } static int smdb_xif_file__get(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; pif->usecnt++; return 0; } static int smdb_xif_file__release(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; if (!--pif->usecnt) { if (pif->closefd) close(pif->fd); if (pif->filename != NULL) { if (pif->unlinkfile) remove(pif->filename); free(pif->filename); } free(pif); } return 0; } static smdb_offset_t smdb_xif_file__seek(void *priv, smdb_offset_t off, int whence) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return lseek(pif->fd, (off_t) off, whence); } static int smdb_xif_file__read(void *priv, void *buf, int n) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return read(pif->fd, buf, n); } static int smdb_xif_file__write(void *priv, void const *buf, int n) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return write(pif->fd, buf, n); } static int smdb_xif_file__truncate(void *priv, smdb_offset_t size) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return ftruncate(pif->fd, (off_t) size); } static int smdb_xif_file__sync(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return fsync(pif->fd); } static char const *smdb_xif_file__path(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_file_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) priv; return pif->filename; } struct smdbxi_file *smdb_xif_file(int fd, int closefd, char const *filename, int flags, int unlinkfile) { int lfd = -1; struct smdbxi_file_px *pif; if (fd < 0) { if (filename == NULL) return NULL; switch (flags) { case SMDBXI_FL_ROPEN: flags = O_RDONLY; break; case SMDBXI_FL_RWOPEN: flags = O_RDWR; break; case SMDBXI_FL_CREATE: flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; break; case SMDBXI_FL_CREATENEW: flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; break; default: return NULL; } if ((fd = lfd = open(filename, flags, 0644)) == -1) return NULL; closefd = 1; } if ((pif = (struct smdbxi_file_px *) malloc(sizeof(struct smdbxi_file_px))) == NULL) { if (lfd != -1) { close(lfd); if (unlinkfile) remove(filename); } return NULL; } pif->ifc.priv = pif; pif->ifc.get = smdb_xif_file__get; pif->ifc.release = smdb_xif_file__release; pif-> = smdb_xif_file__seek; pif-> = smdb_xif_file__read; pif->ifc.write = smdb_xif_file__write; pif->ifc.truncate = smdb_xif_file__truncate; pif->ifc.sync = smdb_xif_file__sync; pif->ifc.path = smdb_xif_file__path; pif->usecnt = 1; pif->fd = fd; pif->closefd = closefd; pif->filename = filename != NULL ? strdup(filename): NULL; pif->unlinkfile = unlinkfile; return &pif->ifc; } static int smdb_xif_fs__get(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_fs_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_fs_px *) priv; pif->usecnt++; return 0; } static int smdb_xif_fs__release(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_fs_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_fs_px *) priv; if (!--pif->usecnt) { free(pif); } return 0; } static struct smdbxi_file *smdb_xif_fs__open(void *priv, char const *path, int flags) { return smdb_xif_file(-1, 0, path, flags, 0); } static int smdb_xif_fs__remove(void *priv, char const *path) { return remove(path); } static int smdb_xif_fs__rename(void *priv, char const *opath, char const *npath) { return rename(opath, npath); } static int smdb_xif_fs__mkdir(void *priv, char const *path) { return mkdir(path, 0775); } static int smdb_xif_fs__rmdir(void *priv, char const *path) { return rmdir(path); } static struct smdbxi_fs *smdb_xif_fs(void) { struct smdbxi_fs_px *pif; if ((pif = (struct smdbxi_fs_px *) malloc(sizeof(struct smdbxi_fs_px))) == NULL) return NULL; pif->ifc.priv = pif; pif->ifc.get = smdb_xif_fs__get; pif->ifc.release = smdb_xif_fs__release; pif-> = smdb_xif_fs__open; pif->ifc.remove = smdb_xif_fs__remove; pif->ifc.rename = smdb_xif_fs__rename; pif->ifc.mkdir = smdb_xif_fs__mkdir; pif->ifc.rmdir = smdb_xif_fs__rmdir; pif->usecnt = 1; return &pif->ifc; } static int smdb_xif_factory__get(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_factory_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_factory_px *) priv; pif->usecnt++; return 0; } static int smdb_xif_factory__release(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_factory_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_factory_px *) priv; if (!--pif->usecnt) { free(pif); } return 0; } static struct smdbxi_mem *smdb_xif_factory__mem(void *priv) { return smdb_xif_mem(); } static struct smdbxi_fs *smdb_xif_factory__fs(void *priv) { return smdb_xif_fs(); } static struct smdbxi_file *smdb_xif_factory__file(void *priv) { struct smdbxi_factory_px *pif = (struct smdbxi_factory_px *) priv; char filename[256]; sprintf(filename, "%p-%ld.tmp", priv, pif->seqf++); return smdb_xif_file(-1, 1, filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 1); } struct smdbxi_factory *smdb_xif_factory(void) { struct smdbxi_factory_px *pif; if ((pif = (struct smdbxi_factory_px *) malloc(sizeof(struct smdbxi_factory_px))) == NULL) return NULL; pif->ifc.priv = pif; pif->ifc.get = smdb_xif_factory__get; pif->ifc.release = smdb_xif_factory__release; pif->ifc.mem = smdb_xif_factory__mem; pif->ifc.file = smdb_xif_factory__file; pif->ifc.fs = smdb_xif_factory__fs; pif->usecnt = 1; pif->seqf = 0; return &pif->ifc; } EXAMPLE CODE The following code (also included inside the SMDB distribution package) briefly shows how to use the SMDB library: #include #include #include #include "smdb-incl.h" #include "smdb-xif-posix.h" #define MODE_PUT 1 #define MODE_GET 2 #define MODE_ERASE 3 #define MODE_CMP 4 #define MODE_DUMP 5 #define MODE_RMTABLE 6 #define MODE_MKTABLE 7 static void *load_file(char const *path, long *pfsize) { long fsize; void *fdata; FILE *file; if ((file = fopen(path, "rb")) == NULL) { perror(path); return NULL; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(file); rewind(file); if ((fdata = malloc(fsize + 1)) == NULL) { perror("allocating file data"); fclose(file); return NULL; } if (fread(fdata, 1, (size_t) fsize, file) != (size_t) fsize) { perror(path); free(fdata); fclose(file); return NULL; } fclose(file); ((char *) fdata)[fsize] = 0; *pfsize = fsize; return fdata; } static char **get_flist(char **ifiles, int infiles, char const *flpath, int *pnfiles) { int i, nalloc; long fsize; char *fdata, *tok; char **flist, **nflist; if (flpath == NULL) { nalloc = infiles + 1; if ((flist = (char **) malloc(nalloc * sizeof(char *))) == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < infiles; i++) flist[i] = strdup(ifiles[i]); *pnfiles = infiles; return flist; } if ((fdata = (char *) load_file(flpath, &fsize)) == NULL) { perror(flpath); return NULL; } nalloc = infiles + (int) (fsize / 16) + 1; if ((flist = (char **) malloc(nalloc * sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { free(fdata); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < infiles; i++) flist[i] = strdup(ifi0);[tok;!= NULL; for (tok = strtok(fdata, 0)) { tok = strtok(NULL, " if (i >= nalloc) { nalloc = nalloc * 2 + 32; if ((nflist = (char **) realloc(flist, nalloc * sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { for (i--; i >= 0; i--) free(flist[i]); free(flist); free(fdata); return NULL; } } flist[i++] = strdup(tok); } free(fdata); *pnfiles = i; return flist; } static void free_flist(char **flist, int n) { if (flist != NULL) { for (; n > 0; n--) free(flist[n - 1]); } free(flist); } int main(int ac, char **av) { int i, error, nfiles, mode = MODE_PUT, journal = 0; unsigned int tblsize = 16000, tblid = 0; long fsize, rcount; void *fdata; char **files; char const *path = NULL, *flpath = NULL; struct smdbxi_factory *fac; struct smdbxi_file *file; struct smdb_dbfile_ctx *dfctx; struct smdb_db_config dbcfg; struct smdb_db_ckey ckey; struct smdb_db_cdata cdata; struct smdb_db_record rec; struct smdb_db_kenum ken; MZERO(dbcfg); dbcfg.blk_size = 1024; dbcfg.blk_count = 100 * 1024; dbcfg.cache_size = 64 * 1024; dbcfg.num_tables = 16; for (i = 1; i < ac; i++) { if (strcmp(av[i], "-f") == 0) { if (++i < ac) path = av[i]; } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-l") == 0) { if (++i < ac) flpath = av[i]; } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-b") == 0) { if (++i < ac) dbcfg.blk_size = strtoul(av[i], NULL, 0); } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-c") == 0) { if (++i < ac) dbcfg.blk_count = strtoul(av[i], NULL, 0); } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-s") == 0) { if (++i < ac) dbcfg.cache_size = strtoul(av[i], NULL, 0); } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-x") == 0) { if (++i < ac) tblsize = strtoul(av[i], NULL, 0); } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-T") == 0) { if (++i < ac) tblid = strtoul(av[i], NULL, 0); } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-g") == 0) mode = MODE_GET; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-e") == 0) mode = MODE_ERASE; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-m") == 0) mode = MODE_CMP; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-d") == 0) mode = MODE_DUMP; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-R") == 0) mode = MODE_RMTABLE; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-M") == 0) mode = MODE_MKTABLE; else if (strcmp(av[i], "-j") == 0) journal = 1; else break; } if (path == NULL) return 1; if ((fac = smdb_xif_factory()) == NULL) return 2; if ((file = smdb_xif_file(-1, 0, path, SMDBXI_FL_RWOPEN, 0)) == NULL) { if ((file = smdb_xif_file(-1, 0, path, SMDBXI_FL_CREATENEW, 0)) == NULL) return 3; if (smdb_dbf_create(fac, file, &dbcfg, &dfctx) < 0) return 4; if (smdb_dbf_create_table(dfctx, tblid, tblsize) < 0) return 5; } else { if (smdb_dbf_open(fac, file, &dbcfg, &dfctx) < 0) return 4; } if ((files = get_flist(&av[i], ac - i, flpath, &nfiles)) == NULL) return 6; fprintf(stdout, "Number of files: %d0, nfiles); if (journal && smdb_dbf_begin(dfctx) < 0) return 7; if (mode == MODE_GET) { for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { = files[i]; ckey.size = strlen(files[i]); if (smdb_dbf_get(dfctx, tblid, &ckey, &rec, &ken) > 0) { smdb_dbf_free_record(dfctx, &rec); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Record not found: '%s'0, files[i]); } } } else if (mode == MODE_ERASE) { for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { = files[i]; ckey.size = strlen(files[i]); if (smdb_dbf_erase(dfctx, tblid, &ckey, NULL) > 0) { } else { fprintf(stderr, "Record not found: '%s'0, files[i]); } } } else if (mode == MODE_PUT) { for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { if ((fdata = load_file(files[i], &fsize)) == NULL) { free_flist(files, nfiles); return 8; } = files[i]; ckey.size = strlen(files[i]); = fdata; cdata.size = fsize; if (smdb_dbf_put(dfctx, tblid, &ckey, &cdata) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "DD insert failed: '%s'0, files[i]); free_flist(files, nfiles); return 9; } free(fdata); } } else if (mode == MODE_CMP) { for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { if ((fdata = load_file(files[i], &fsize)) == NULL) { free_flist(files, nfiles); return 8; } = files[i]; ckey.size = strlen(files[i]); if (smdb_dbf_get(dfctx, tblid, &ckey, &rec, &ken) > 0) { if ( != (unsigned long) fsize || memcmp(, fdata, fsize) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Record in DB differs: '%s'0, files[i]); smdb_dbf_free_record(dfctx, &rec); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Record not found: '%s'0, files[i]); } free(fdata); } } else if (mode == MODE_DUMP) { rcount = 0; if ((error = smdb_dbf_first(dfctx, tblid, &rec, &ken)) > 0) { do { fprintf(stdout, "KEY (%ld)='", rec.key.size); fwrite(, 1, rec.key.size, stdout); fprintf(stdout, "'0); fprintf(stdout, "DATA (%ld)0,; smdb_dbf_free_record(dfctx, &rec); rcount++; } while ((error = smdb_dbf_next(dfctx, &rec, &ken)) > 0); } if (error < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Record enumeration failed!0); free_flist(files, nfiles); return 9; } fprintf(stdout, "0ound %ld records.0, rcount); } else if (mode == MODE_RMTABLE) { if (smdb_dbf_free_table(dfctx, tblid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Table remove failed!0); return 11; } } else if (mode == MODE_MKTABLE) { if (smdb_dbf_create_table(dfctx, tblid, tblsize) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Table create failed!0); return 11; } } free_flist(files, nfiles); if (journal && smdb_dbf_end(dfctx) < 0) return 12; smdb_dbf_free(dfctx); SMDBXI_RELEASE(file); SMDBXI_RELEASE(fac); return 0; } LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the license is available at : AUTHOR Developed by Davide Libenzi < >. AVAILABILITY The latest version of SMDB can be found at : BUGS There are no known bugs. Bug reports and comments to Davide Libenzi < >. GNU 0.4 SMDB(3)